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The Vowel Staircase and the Articulatory Features of the Consonants, Part 2


An Example of Teaching

The Vowel Staircase and the Articulatory Features of the Consonants

With a 4th Grade Student

I know that many people have been asking me to create videos of teaching the concepts presented in my book, How to Teach Reading and Spelling, Bringing the Science of Reading into the Classroom and taught in my professional development courses.

Well, here we go. I am currently working with a 4th grader who is learning the Science of Linguistics or spelling. She is an eager and thoughtful learner who has relied on her strong memory to read and spell words. She is now learning why letters and words are spelled in different ways.

I am posting on my website,, a session where we explore the articulation features of the consonants and another short video of the first steps of teaching the Single Vowel Staircase.

As she and I work through the letters and their sounds, the spelling patterns and syllable types, morphemes and etymology, I will post new videos to demonstrate how I teach these disciplines.

Teaching Consonants

Teaching Single Vowels

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