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Word Study Guide Book

Asking students to define terms and organize ideas in their own words helps them to remember and understand those terms and ideas. When working with students in the area of reading and spelling individual words, having them create their own Word Study Guide Book can keep their definitions and ideas in an organized, easy to use format.

Each student needs an empty three ring binder, some tabs for up to five sections and lined paper in each section. Provide them with a title page for their Guide Book and section heading pages: Consonants, Vowels, Spelling Patterns, Syllable Types, Prefixes, Suffixes and Base/root Syllables.

When new vocabulary or ideas are introduced in a lesson, such as “single consonants”, “vowel digraphs”, “R controlled vowels”, “open or closed syllables” , “free or bound morphemes”, the student and teacher work with that vocabulary and how to apply it to their Word Study and then the student is asked to write the definition of the vocabulary word in their Word Study Guide Book, as well as examples of the term. Please download my Word Study Guide Book template below to use with your students.

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