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Spelling Jeopardy- What Are The Questions I Should Be Asking?
One of the teachers I mentor was reviewing her student’s written assignment and the question she asked was, “When do I tell my student...
How To Build Lessons Plans Using the Science of Reading Part I
This is my schema for teaching reading and spelling of individual words. When I am lesson planning and teaching, I begin on the left-hand...
UFLI Word Chains for Decoding and Encoding Practice
The University of Florida Literacy Institute is an endless resource of high quality teaching tools, which I use constantly in my own...
Copy of Inflectional Morphemes
Inflectional Morphemes are suffixes that show number/plurals, -s/-es, possession, -‘s, -s’, past tense, -ed, and continuing action,-ing,...
Why Does Q Almost Always Go With U
If you love understanding reasons for spellings and pronunciation of words as I do, you will love these videos! Enjoy,
Teaching Syllable Types
Every syllable can have one and only one vowel SOUND, and therefore, the type of vowel in a syllable determines the syllable type. In...
Thinking About Teaching Literacy
Whenever I am teaching children, adolescents or adults, my mind it going in at least two directions - what concepts, facts and procedures...
Student Created Resources
I often times will ask my students to create their own resources to use at home for learning. Creating resources is a useful tool for...
The Importance of Teaching Consonant Pairs
This week during our How To Teach Reading and Spelling cohort meeting, several of the literacy teachers spoke about the fact that they...
How To Structure At Home Literacy Work
If we look at the elements of literacy, we see that decoding and spelling words, as well as phonemic awareness activities to reinforce...
Step Card for Teaching the Letter C
In my never-ending quest for review activities, today I made up a lesson to review the letter “c”. My first question for my student is:...
Writing as a Multidimensional Act
I will never forget the series of AH-HAH moments I experienced when I went to a week-long workshop in Colorado with Maureen Auman, author...
Single Vowel Staircase
Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start, when we read we begin with A, B, D…… Wait a minute, why do we skip C? In...
Megawords 1: Morphology Activities
This week I have worked with several students using Megawords 1 . One student is in 4th grade, one in 5th grade and one entering 10th...
Teacher Question
Teacher asks: I recently started working with a 7-year-old boy. He will be starting the 2nd grade but is a very beginning reader, and his...
Syllable Puzzle
I woke up this morning thinking about syllable types and how they were like puzzle pieces, for any word you make it up of different...
Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science
Louisa Moats is a researcher and one of the best in the field of literacy education who as served various roles as teacher, researcher,...
Scarborough's Reading Rope
Scarborough's reading rope is a vaulable visual to understand how aspects of phonological awareness, decoding, site word recognition all...
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